PVF’s quarantine diary

Ngày cập nhật21/04/2020

Some compelling stories from Mr. Trần Hà – Educational Department – about the life of PVF players during COVID19 quarantine time.

21 o’clock. Dormitory hallway.
– It’s 9 p.m., let’s come back to our room, boys!
– Give me all your phones!
– Messi, comeback and clean your room!
– Please wait for Dũng Pogba, he’s still on the phone with his parents!
– Long Xavi, take the trash out!

9907599d58c0a29efbd1Every day, at this time, the hallway is noisy with full of players as they come back to their room for room cleaning, cloth washing and have to return their phones to the nannies (players have more time to use the phone during the pandemic to talk to their parents) before sleeping.

1PVF players’ daily activities besides football training.
Like a habit, all the players know it’s the time to find their friends and come back to the room on time, even just one minute before they were at the basketball field or at the bar or the lobby.
Everyone has to return to their room and start doing their assigned job. Each room has their own “rules”. In the second floor, most of players are young age, so the popular model is the whole room or 2 players will take the clothes to the washing room, clean the room, take the trash out…

2The third and fourth floor are belonged to the older players with just 2-3 players each room. But all of them keep their room cleaned after a hard training day. They do it without reminding each other, and always keep a funny atmosphere.
– My room is cleaned. You can check now.
– Sơn is cleaning his mess after spilling all his milk to the floor.
– Hoàng Anh, come back to your room.
– Turn off the light and go to sleep.

3Players get used to order & discipline since they were young.
21:30. The hallway is cleared. Players now all are in bed, whispering about the training today, the math test, the COVID19, the tournament…
22:00. It’s all quiet. They’re all sleeping. Perhaps, in their dreams, they can see the eventful summer with lots of matches, when the virus has been far away.

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