and last modified on Tháng Một 18th, 2024. Vo Huy Toan from SHB Da Nang has completed his rehabilitation at PVF - Trung tâm PVF

Vo Huy Toan from SHB Da Nang has completed his rehabilitation at PVF

Ngày cập nhật18/01/2024

On 17/05/2019, Mr. Vo Huy Toan of SHB Da Nang has completed his rehabilitation at PVF Football Academy.

During his rehabilitation period at PVF, Toan has undergone wholebody screening and based on this result, we put Toan on physio treatment to relieve his groin pain (massage, stretching, eccentric work, physio machine).

We then implemented a progressive strength program to strengthen his adductors, gluteus, abs, spinal muscles, improve his body balance, body mobility (hip, back).

At the same time, we started a progressive cardio-training program in order to help him getting back to the best conditions and ready for training. Vo Huy Toan is now able to sprint, pass and shoot, ready to return for training. Vo Huy Toan still need to follow a special training program to avoid re-injury.

  • Thu Hường/PVF

Last updated on: Tháng Một 18, 2024 3:07 chiều

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