Nguyễn Trọng Hương

Ngày cập nhật02/08/2016

Leader of Sports Physiotherapist

Born in 1997

Licences/Degrees :
Bachelor in Physiotherapy – Rehabilitation at UMP Ho Chi Minh city
Viet Nam Ministry of Health Practice Certification in Physiotheray – Rehabilitation .
World Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo Federation 2nd degrees Instructor .


2021 : U19 Viet Nam National Team PhysioTherapist
2020-2021 : Main Rehab- Physio for Value V.leauge 1 Players : Ha Noi FC, SLNA FC, Quang Ninh FC, Binh Dinh FC,…
– Main Physio – U15 PVF Champion of U15 national championship 2020
– Main Physio – U15 PVF Champion of U15 Cup 2020
2019 : Physiotherapist For Pho Hien FC –V.leauge 2 .
2019 – now : Member of Viet Nam Physical Therapy Association.

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