PVF Tournament II

Ngày cập nhật05/11/2019

With the purpose of assessing the coaching work and enhancing the engagement between grass root academies/clubs, PVF’s Technical Department is organizing a friendly tournament at the weekends. The tournament will take place on November 09th & 11th with more teams than the first time.


Players in the first PVF Tournament.

The tournament is a chance for summarizing what they’ve learnt after the mesocycle. Instead of internal matches, PVF players now can play with the same age players from other academies/clubs. This activity will enhance the engagement between academies and encourage sport training for kids. In the first tournament, PVF U12 & U13 and Thanh Hóa U15 were the champions.

This time, the tournament is for 3 age groups: U12 (born in 2008), U13 (born in 2007), U15 (born in 2005, 2006).

In the age group of U12, there will be BFS, PVF3, Phù Đổng 1, Quảng Ninh, PVF1, Hà Tĩnh 2, Phù Đổng 2, Hà Tĩnh 1, PVF2, PVF4, Hải Phòng. The duration for each match is 10 minutes.

In the age group of U13, there will be Thái Sơn Bắc, PVF1, Star Football, Viettel, Tuyên Quang, PVF2, PVF3. The duration for each match is 12 minutes.

In the age group of U15, there will be PVF1, Viettel, Nam Định, PVF2. The duration for each match is 50 minutes.

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